Tuesday, March 2, 2010

RSS Activity

I am following these sites:
  • Biology News Net
  • Edutopia
  • Extreme Biology Blog
  • cals.ufl.edu
  • www.techeye.net
  • www.thenakedscientist.com
  • Popular Science
  • Science Codes-Tech
  • Science News and Information
  • Science News Daily
  • The Biology Corner
I chose these sites for a few different reasons. Some I knew of already so I wanted those. Some I found and were good daily science news sites. Finally others were ones I happened to come across or kept seeing so I wanted to see what the hubbub was all about.

Nothing was really difficult but trying to find sites that I found may be useful took some time. It did have some difficulty sifting through the oodles of sites and blogs and deciding on about half of them.

I can see that the daily updates I receive (in the hundreds now) would have material almost without a doubt on the topics we will be covering in class. Sharing these "current topics" and issues with the students may help keep them interested. Also, as a teacher or with any profession staying current or keeping your own continuing education up to speed is vital. One of the sites I'm following is a high school science website/blog that the teacher and students keep up with and its pretty awesome what their doing. Great example of what our kids in schools should be living up too! Another thing is following other teachers and what they are coming up with or topics of concerns and or solutions they may be having with their class. Oh, one other thing is using these sites and the sites they point to like National Geographic for example as a way to incorporate youtube videos, and other tech tools into the class without having to send away for long movies or documentary's that may be potentially dry for kids in high school now a days.

Not much more information needed on Feeds. I will say I didn't know that the Google Reader will follow sites that don't change as often and don't have RSS capabilities. I find that a great feature that was a pleasant surprise. Not all sites and blogs are created equal or updated every hour.

Oh, I do have an issue. I literally have hundreds of hits in my reader. Including sites that don't change very often. How do you keep up with yours. I'm not even sure how to delete somethings and keep others?

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